Things people need to listen to...Episode 10

January 10, 2010

Man, I am on a roll here. Semi-regular updates, finally.

Without further delay, here is the newest and greatest list of things you all need to listen to. Do it!


1. Plastiscines

Disco House / Thrash / Glam

2. Green Go

Electro / Disco House / Punk

3. Cold Cave

Electro / Indie / Pop

4. Surfer Blood

Pop / Rock / Indie

5. The Answering Machine

Pop / Rock / Indie

6. The Ballet

Rock / Pop / Indie

Best tracks: Dangerous, The House on Fire, You Call Me

7. Solid Gold

Electro / Glam / Rock

8. Midnight Movies

Psychedelic / Pop / Indie

9. Daylight's For The Birds

Psychedelic / Pop / Experimental

Best tracks: Flicker, Early Summer, Try

10. io echo

Indie / Pop / Rock